Fall 2017 Newsletter
Giving Thanks in 2017!
As you probably know the real estate market in Aspen/Snowmass has taken a decidedly upward trend in 2017. By most measures, the market was up over 50% from 2016. For example, total sales volume for single family homes in Aspen were up a whopping 181 % compared to 2016!! Condos up 54%! You can see many of the details in home, condo and land sales here, for the first 3 quarters of 2017, here:
Replacement of Lift 1A Options/Pedestrian Mall
Two comprehensive studies have been completed recently on both of the above. Aspen City Council has had extended conversations about both and the consultants will be back in front of Council in the near future to discuss next steps. Meanwhile the Gorsuch Haus proposal hangs in the air. The Lift 1A study analyzes, in great detail, options for a new location for the lift....and the Pedestrian Mall study looks at constraints, opportunities, and minimum requirements for the malls in Aspen combined with extensive public input to put forward three design alternatives for the Malls. Use the links below to take a look at the reports.
Marketing Expertise
It is an honor to work for and participate with the absolute leaders in the Aspen/Snowmass market. Here, below, is an example of our market domination in properties above $5 Million dollars for the first three quarters of 2017:
So....if you or a friend are considering a purchase in the valley, or if you are thinking of selling your home or condoiminium..... please contact me, anytime.